Currencies Direct

Currencies Direct

The opportunity

Started in 1996 Currencies Direct was the first money transfer business in Europe.  Its mission is simple; to make international payments and money transfer easier both for individuals and businesses. But in the last decade or so, the market has seen a number of new, tech led platforms enter the market, providing more choice and simpler solutions for people than ever before.  We were asked by the B2B team to help them work on their brand narrative to double down on what makes them different and help them stand out in this crowded market.

How we helped

Established the brand’s point of difference
Evolved the brand narrative

Working directly with the senior leadership team, we workshopped the central brand narrative with the aim of answering 4 simple questions:

  1. Why does the brand exist? 
  2. Who is it for?
  3. How does it operate differently from its competition?
  4. What does it offer?

We then used the outputs of this session to develop a clear brand narrative - an internal document which the team can use to inform the evolution of their customer experience, propositions and communications.  

The next task will be to review the way in which the brand is positioned and talked about externally with a primary focus on the company website and creation of core brand content.

The results

Partnering with Favour the brave has been a game-changer for us. Their expertise in brand strategy is second to none and they are a joy to work with. Through collaborative workshops, they delivered a crystal clear brand narrative that not only guides our internal decisions, but also sets the stage for impactful campaigns moving forward. With Favour the brave’s strategic insights, our brand is now clearer and resonates deeper with our target client.  We are excited to continue this journey of transformation together.

Rebecca Fuller-Glen, Head of B2B Marketing

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